Aitkazina Sholpan
Leading expert on corporate issues
Experience: 22 years
Consultations: more than 1000
- Corporate governance and law;
- Share management, reorganization, transformation and reassembly of the business;
- Structuring and support of non-standard transactions;
- Legal audit;
- Legal coaching;
- Legal support of the infobusiness.
Higher legal education
About the specialist:
Sholpan comes from a family of lawyers and also has significant experience in advising and accompanying clients on corporate governance and law issues. Her legal and managerial experience allows her to take a broad look at client issues and work out the most effective ways to solve them. As an employee of the civil service, she participated in the development of the Administrative Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which, combined with the experience of representation in the court of economic specialization, emphasizes the advantages of representing clients in administrative justice. In recent years, AML and compliance services have also been developing. He has been a member of the Chamber of Legal Consultants "AstanaZangerPalatasy" since 2019, has a diploma from the Kazakhstan Union of Lawyers for the successful implementation of his activities. He is a member of the International Compliance Association.
  • Until 2005, she was a specialist at the Ministry of State Revenue of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Deputy Executive Director for Legal Affairs of the Association for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs.
  • 2005 - 2019 - held various positions from the leading specialist of the legal department to the Managing Director - Member of the Board of Legal Affairs and Recovery of KazAgro Holding JSC.
  • 2019 - 2020 - consultant at the law firm AITKAZIN GROUP LLP
  • 2020 - 2021 - joined the National Bank of Kazakhstan
  • 2020 - present – consultant to the Consulting Company Profusion Projects LLP, legal adviser to a private holding company with turnover of more than 50 billion tenge, founder of several companies.
Senior Lawyer
Aitkazina Sholpan
Experience: 22 years
Consultations: more than 1000
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