Representation of rights and interests in court
A representative in a judicial instance is a subject who has an appropriate legal education, has experience in protecting the rights and interests of the client, and ensures that the case is considered in full accordance with the law.
What documents do I need to provide?
1. The lawsuit
2. Feedback
3. Statement
4. Claim
5. Petitions
6. Private complaint
7. Withdrawal
8. Familiarization with the case materials
9. Written explanations of the court
10. Settlement agreement
11. Mediation agreement
What exactly is included in the price of services?
Everyone can place an order for the registration of a representative service from our company!
The price includes a pre-trial dispute settlement procedure (a pre-trial claim is being drawn up).
The necessary information is collected about the opponent's condition (whether there is property or not, the database of debtors is checked, whether there are enforcement measures or not).
A block of missing evidence and information is collected (requests are sent to government agencies, the necessary data is being searched).
When should I connect a representative to the process?
That is, it is a specialist who is able to convince, justify, and argue a position during meetings, using a pre-prepared strategy of actions in order to get the result that the client wants with its help.
This type of service is needed if a conflict situation is already brewing, and it can no longer be fixed by other means, but only through the court. It is in such difficult situations, when an ordinary person does not know what to do, what to do next, that the representative's help is needed!
There can be many such situations, and it is impossible to insure against them in life.
Our company will select an experienced representative for you, provide competent protection in courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration (arbitration) both in Kazakhstan and in the CIS.
Is it possible to represent your interests in the courts if you do not have a law degree?
Every citizen has the right to independently conduct a case in court or to involve a representative. Who can be a representative on behalf of the courts?
They can be lawyers, employees of legal entities, authorized representatives of trade unions that protect the rights and interests of citizens, organizations that have the right to protect the rights and interests of participants in such organizations.
In addition, they may be one of the accomplices on behalf of other persons who have a legal education, and who are admitted by the judge at the request of those involved in the case.
If you contact us, we will provide you with the best professional help and support in the courts!
What is the price of representation in the courts of Almaty?
We want to warn you that there is no single price. It is determined on an individual basis, when our specialists study all the nuances of the case. The minimum price starts from 100,000 tenge
Enforcement of a judicial act, replacement of interim measures
Seizure of the debtor's movable and immovable property, finances, cars;
Prohibiting the debtor from performing a number of actions, or transferring certain things to the debtor to third parties;
Suspension of collection under the disputed executive document;
Suspension of disputed executive documents and actions of the bailiff;
Appeal against the court's act on securing a claim;
Ensuring the prompt execution of interim measures.
Protection of the client in court (preparation, conversation; consideration of the case)
1. Providing detailed reports on the work done.
2. Telephone reports on the proceedings in the courts.
3. Receipt of the act on the judicial instance (from decisions to resolutions)
4. Cooking, filing complaints.
5. Receipt of the writ of execution.